Monday, June 20, 2011

New Hospital Imaging Center Open for Business At Last!

The long awaited opening of the new Diagnostic Imaging Center at Mendocino Coast District Hospital is official today. After completing all of the necessary licensing steps, which included certification by the State of California and approval of the new equipment by a Radiation Physicist, the new DI Center building is now ready to take care of patients. We will be doing a phased in implementation of the new building by scheduling the new services to start on separate dates. Starting today we are using the new building for 3D and 4D ultrasounds and x-rays. CT Scanning is also planned to come online in the new building this week. On Monday, June 27 we will begin using the new MRI. June 29 will be the start date for Bone Densitometry. Flouroscopy will begin on Tuesday, July 5. The last service to come online in the new building will be Digital Mammography, which is expected to begin in mid-July.