Monday, May 2, 2011

April MCDH Star Card of the Month

Our patients, guests and visitors may, or may not, know that Mendocino Coast District Hospital has a system in place to recognize excellence in the care and services provided by our Hospital staff. The system is called the “Star” Card program. Any of us, including patients, visitors, physicians, co-workers or volunteers, may recognize excellence by picking up a Star Card in any of the convenient locations and filling out the name of the employee to be honored and why. Each month we receive between 20-40 cards for our staff. Every time a Star Card is received, a copy is given to the honored employee, their manager and Human Resources. All Star Cards are posted on a bulletin board outside of the Hospital Cafeteria each month by Tanya Wyldflower. Beginning in April, we are selecting 1 Star Card each month for the “MCDH Star Card of the Month.” The Star Card of the Month will be based upon extraordinary excellence. For April, we have selected Deb Hendricks, ICU Charge Nurse. In her nomination, written by the visitor of an ICU patient, “Deb is an excellent nurse. Very caring. Took care of my Aunt. Always explained in detail with her care and prognosis. Thanks Deb.” Thank you Deb for the wonderful care that you provide to our ICU patients every day!