November 17, 2011 has been designated as National Rural Health Day in the United States. This is a great opportunity for the thousands of small rural hospitals, rural clinics and rural providers to take a bow and receive the heartfelt thanks of each of their local communities. Our rural hospitals are, more than likely, (1) the largest employer in the community, (2) a precious resource that provides cradle to grave care and (3) the reason that our resident friends and neighbors are able to remain living in the home that they have loved for their entire life, or a major reason why people from outside of the area have decided to retire here. We are all of those things to the local citizens of the Mendocino Coast and I would venture to say that nearly every other rural hospital in the United States could say the exact same thing!
We have not planned any special events for today, unlike many small rural hospitals. However, we are holding our monthly “lunch n’ learn” session that is open to the public. This month our guest speaker is hypnotherapist, Alena Guest who will show a video on hypno-anesthesia in surgery. It is our pleasure to continue to be able to serve our local population and to continue to provide high quality health care.