Monday, October 17, 2011
2011 Mendocino Coast Hospital Health & Wellness Festival
Last Saturday Mendocino Coast District Hospital hosted the Fifth Annual Mendocino Coast Hospital Health and Wellness Festival. And according the virtually eveyone involved, this one was the best one yet! The Festival Organizing Committee has been Chaired every year by Chief Clinical Officer, Roni McDermott. This is what Roni had to say afterward. "This year we provided over 730 screening exams for blood pressure, oxygen saturation, blood glucose, hearing, lipid panel, balance, bone density and % body fat composition. This is a big increase over previous years. In 2009 we did 206 tests and in 2010 we did approximately 600. We also had over 35 exhibitors, making this the largest festival in 5 years!" Roni added "We could not have put on such a great show without our volunteers that made it all possible. Every one of our volunteers showed up ready to work and to do whatever it was going to take for a successful event."
This year a challenge was issued to all MCDH employees to accumulate the most "personal power points" for fitness activities. The prize for the most points accumulated was a WiiFit. The winner of the WiiFit was Heidi Olsen. Thank you Roni and thank you to members of the Committee, especially Marte Tubbs and Elizabeth Luevano.