Thursday, October 6, 2011

Turkey Day in the Kitchen

On September 28, I continued my practice of conducting CEO Rounds in each department of our hospital. This month I spent the day working in our Dietary department. I began my day helping Bernardo to set up patient breakfast trays and taking the carts out to our nursing floor. Next I had the honor of helping Daniel prepare the day's lunch meal It was "Turkey" Day. That could have been refering to the day's menu or the new kitchen helper for the day! I wonder how many people know that Daniel, a local boy (born in our hospital) who made good, was trained at the Cordon Bleu School in San Francisco. And how many of us knew that Daniel is skilled in making ice scupltors too? Now that we know, don't be surprised if you see an ice sculpture some time at MCDH. My contribution for lunch was turkey stuffing. If word of this gets out it is going to make it more difficult for me to play dumb on Thanksgiving. After making the stuffing and the mashed potatoes, I was able to observe Kristy making up the menus for the next days meals. I was impressed by her expertise in skillfully preparing meal choices for the next day.

My next assignment was working the cafeteria line with Carol. She was probably happy to have the help considering that everyone shows up for Turkey Day in our Cafeteria. Our dining room is open to the public. Where else can you get a turkey meal with all of the trimmings for only $6.00? After lunch I was supposed to help Roy wash the dishes. Somehow I got called out of the department and missed that part. I promise to come back and help you with the dishes some time Roy.

As usual I came away from my day in a hospital department with a great appreciation for the wonderful work that all of the members of the MCDH family provide. I got a lot of pride today from having an opportunity to help to serve our patients, our staff and our visitors. It is really a privilege to be able to serve at Mendocino Coast District Hospital.